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1,137 バイト追加, 2019年8月26日 (月) 12:02
※…[[もりいくすお|もりい]]の[http://blog.kusuya.net/?day=20131201 絵本]をご利用になって、日テレNEWS24さんが制作された[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jqh6iINNoAk 動画「2分でわかる忠臣蔵」(<クリック)]をどうぞ。
オーソドックスな「忠臣蔵」の流れは「[http://blog.kusuya.net/?day=20131201 早わかり忠臣蔵絵本]」にて!
もりいにメールをくれれば+消費税+郵送費にてお送りいたします。こんな人も読んでいる!:関根勤さん。喰始さん。羽佐間道夫さん。野沢雅子さん。笑福亭鶴瓶師匠。三宅裕司さん。故・国本武春師匠。柳家喬太郎師匠。春風亭一之輔師匠。神田松鯉先生。神田松之丞さん(…は、見たあと、たぶん捨てているw)。新田真剣佑さん。ももいろクローバーZのみなさん。ほか  播州赤穂の[http://akowataya.com/item/morii_kusuo/777/ 忠臣蔵グッズ「わたや」さんの通販]でもお買い求めいただけます。
Ako incident is a murder case in that happened the lord of Ako was bullied by the old man of the government.
Some people japanese would love this story that bully parson is killed.
We call "Chushingura" that to as dramatized that incident.
Though based loosely on Akō incident, "Chūshingura" is a fictional account that departs considerably from the actual events.  Numerous other details were altered as well, to streamline and popularize the story for the many audiences including non-historical enthusiasts.  You possible to understand the synopsis if you buy a picture book.You can buy it in '''Sengakuji''' tenpleof Tokyo,or in '''AKO''' of Hyogo Prefecture.
Please contact if you want. I will send to you it in some of shipping and 500 yen that you have given me.
The content of this book is written in English and French.
